商用英語 - 國際貿易 Business English: International Trade
商用英語 - 國際貿易
Business English: International Trade
➤貿易展 Trade shows
充分獲取投資報酬 get most out of the return on our investment
非常熟悉 be intimately familiar with
有影響力 have the presence
得到成效卓越的資訊 generate fruitful leads from that event
量化潛在客群 quantify the potentials
量化營業額 sales volume
設立目標 set goals
設立預算 build the budget
事後發現 find out later
另外計價 additional expense
交出攤位申請書 submit the application for booth space
盡早確定攤位 get our booth space early
在早鳥優惠截止前申辦 make the early-bird registration discount deadline
先搶先贏 first-come, first served basis
增加注目程度 increase the visibility
做出更多傳單 make flyers, handouts, company literature
過客 passer-by
留意 look around at...
國內廠商 domestic manufacturer
主場優勢 home-field advantage
The trade show in (place) opens (future time)
This expo is the largest (show) in our industry.
The leads we will get from this trade show account for...
What we expect to get out of this (show) is...
We would like to see at least 1000 visitors to our booth per day of the show.
Everything with our booth is under control.
What is the cost estimate for our trade show participation?
The cost of our booth space includes electric outlets
Each booth is afforded two electrical outlets as a part of the package.
It will cost about $500 in printing costs for handouts of our company literature.
攤位註冊費 registration
印刷宣傳費 printing cost
攤位布置費 actual booth
旅行住宿費 travel and accommodation
把握商展機會 cherish the opportunity of trade show
負責攤位接待 staff/man the booth
主動問候和接待客人 be ready to meet and greet
展示產品及服務 demonstrate our products and services
留意競爭對手動態 be on the look for what our direct competition is up to
關注業界新動態 keep our eyes peeled for new trends
留下名片 drop by their business cards
收集名片 collect business cards (a stack of cards)
為前次對話做紀錄 make notes for the last communication
跟進潛在客戶名單 follow up on the sales leads
We invite you to come by our booth (進來攤位坐坐)
Be sure and stop by our VIP suite (別忘了到我們的貴賓室)
check out what we have been up to this year (來看看我們今年推出的東西)
enjoy free cocktails and refreshment (享受免費的雞尾酒和甜點)
We met at ... Expo in (place) (past time)
We would like to arrange a meeting to discuss further the things we talked about at the show.
Thanks for stopping by our booth last week, I enjoyed our conversation.
➤貿易展後續追蹤 Following up on trade leads
獲取投資報酬 get return on our investment
客戶聯絡資訊 customer contact information
輸入至聯絡管理系統 type it into contact management system
輸入至試算表 enter the information into spreadsheet program, computer
There are all business cards we collected from the trade show.
This is the list of all the potential suppliers we met at the show.
This person was interested in...
These are the contacts who are interested in our line of...
These are the contacts that indicated interest in our...
提出行銷計畫 marketing communications plans
直接郵寄 be sent direct mail circulars
打電話推銷 set up sales calls with these contacts
面談 face-to-face meeting
在限定期間內執行計畫 implement the plan in predetermined period of time
時間越久,他們越冷淡 The longer we wait, the colder they get.
去到你辦公室 come by your office
Everyone on this list needs to be contacted by telephone within 48 hours.
Make sure to include our company literature and a handwritten note. (簡介與親筆信)
I appreciated the chance to meet you (time) at (place)
I wanted to follow up with you about...
I am calling to follow up with you about the conversation we had at the OO Expo.
You mentioned you were interested in learning more about...
Can I answer any question for you about...
You met my colleague John at the trade show last week. He asked me to call you to follow up with you about...
I was told you had indicated interest in...
Do you have any questions I could answer you?
I guarantee we offer quality at affordable prices. (物美價廉)
What do the leads tell us from the trade show last month?
We have been able to generate 30 new sales from the follow up on or leads from the show.
➤尋找進口貨源 Finding import sources
展銷會 trade fair
進口貨品 import goods
客製化設備 custom designed device
客製化包裝 customized packaging
新專利產品 newly patented product
自製產品 self-created product
生產要求 production needs
需要訂製產品 need customization on the actual product
東西已經有人生產 something that is already in production
有人是你可以信任 someone you can trust
風險級別不同 there are different levels of risk
最受青睞 be gusty
假裝得更合法 pretend to be most legitimate
看似合法 look legit
找到可靠的貨源 find a legitimate source
避免被騙 prevent getting screwed
貨比三家 shop around
work on... (致力)
end up having to... (最終不得不)
look to import the product (打算進口這產品)
look for new suppliers (找尋新的通路商)
pay tariff on our imports (支付進口關稅)
Suppliers from China provide the bulk of our inventory. (大量訂貨)
Manufactures in China are your best bet for low prices. (低價的最好選擇)
for guaranteed quality (品質保證)
make production to our specifications (按我們的規格生產)
What level of customization can you provide? (提供哪種水準的客訂)
You had better be careful. There are tons of scams on the web. (很多騙子)
How do you find the factories to began with?
避免風險 avoid risk aspect
有語言和溝通問題 have language and communication issues
透過代理商 go trough an agent
使用代理商的服務 use agent's services
與代理商分享利潤 do profit sharing with agent
雇用貨源專員 hire an expert sourcing partner
談判價碼 negotiate pricing with sourcing partner
談判新協定 negotiate a new agreement our agents
A: Is the lowest price you can get for me on these items?
B: I have spoken to manufactures, that is the lowest we are going to get.
A: Well, I appreciate your help in getting this quotation. I have a few other agents I have been working with on this project. I need to get their lowest prices and compare. I will let you know if I am interested in moving forward after I have talked to them.
➤尋找出口管道 Finding export leads
鑑定有價值的貿易潛在客戶 qualify trade leads
建立長久夥伴關係 maintain the sustainable partnerships
目標國家 target countries
設立據點 set up shop in...
拓展客戶群 expend our clientele in...
參加貿易展 attend trade show
發展業務 develop our business
朝國際發展 develop internationally
啟動影響力 jumpstart our presence
宣傳內容 marketing materials
收到額外五百次點閱 receive more than 500 extra (website) hits
Where are our target customers located?
Our main focus is...
We should focus our efforts on...
We should work on... (專注於)
What kind of information can you give me about the... market?
Do you have any ... reports or ... analysis for (place)?
Be sure and follow up with the leads.
Some of hits can translate into more business for us.
從訂貨到運輸 from order to delivery
出口至二十個不同國家 export to over 20 different countries
滿足您訂購需求 meet your needs for customized production
滿足期望 meet expectations
提供全面出口服務 provide full-service exporting support
制定高標之客服目標 set pretty lofty customer service policy
客戶連絡規定 customer communication policy
24小時內回覆詢價 reply the inquire within 24 hours
完成詢價答覆 finish the inquiry responses
客戶詢價 customers make a request for a quotation
客戶收到報價 customers receive our quote
喪失商機 loss business
基礎資訊到位 have infrastructure in place
產品型錄及價目表 catalog and pricing list
聯繫日本大使館 talk to Japanese Embassy
I can get the information you have requested right away.
Our catalog features over 200 different quality product
You can count/rely on us. (你可以信賴/指望我們)
Our products are guaranteed to meet your expectations, or your money back! (否則全額退款)
➤信用狀 Letter of credit, L/C
買方要求 buyer request
本票/憑證 promissory note
提貨單 bill of loading
領事發票 consular invoice
保險單 insurance policy
有效截止日期 expiration date
按規定時間 at the time specified
細節 specifics
買賣雙方達成的條件 terms of the sale
出貨條件 terms of conditions
中間人 intermediates
貨運代理商 freight forwarder
申請信用狀 apply for a letter of credit
以...形式履行交易 set our transaction up with...
無法撤銷的/不可改變的 irrevocable
修正內容 make an amendment
等待確認 wait for conformation
提貨 claim the goods
收貨 receive the freight
支票 a check
匯票 a draft
負責 be responsible for...
應付 take care of...
The letter of credit functions as a our contract with...
All shipping requirements are listed in the letter of credit.
Here are the specifics that should be included in our letter of credit.
Everything is documented in the letter of credit.
The letter of credit detail insurance requirements.
The shipping date is confirmed for April 1st. (發貨日期)
The good will delivered to the Taichung Port.
The documentation is all in order. (單據提交正確)
What does the bill of loading say?
It require us ti deliver the goods to Taichung port by April 1st.
➤價格談判及運輸管理 Negotiating a price and Shipment management
詢價 Asking for a price
最小訂購數量 minimum orders
訂購規模 order size
貨運方式 delivery options
交貨期限 production deadlines, timelines
尚未確認 have a good idea
儘量閃爍其詞 be vague as possible
真實價格 actual cost of production
討價還價 bargaining
關鍵步驟 critical step
公平且合理 fair and ethical
持久影響 lasting influence
產品規格 product specification
貨比三家找低價 shop around for the lowest price
The size of the order depends on how low of a price I can get.
We can give you a quotation based on your particular requirements.
Depending on..., we do have a little room for negotiations.
What size order are you panning to make?
What is the best price you can offer?
What is the lowest price you can give me on our order?
I am sorry, but that is still higher than we want. Is there any way you can do better?
I appreciate your offer, but it is still over our budget. What can you do to help us with a lower price?
Can you offer any more of a discount?
考慮利潤分享 Considering splitting profits
使供應商受惠 benefit the suppliers
互利互惠 mutual benefits
分享利益 split profits
雙贏 a win-win
建立良好關係 build positive relationships
變成持續性合作夥伴 turn into a continuing partnership
安排工廠考察團 arrange a factory tour
為你們安排內容 make an arrangement for you
I am not just interested in buying products.I am looking for a potential partner on this deal. What can we do to make this work better for both of our campaniles?
What did you have in mind?
貨運條件 Shipping terms
*EXW EX works 工廠交貨(……指定地點)
FCA Free Carrier 交至承運人(……指定地點)
FAS Free AlongSide Ship 船邊交貨(……指定裝運港)
FOB Free On Board 船上交貨(……指定裝運港)
CFR Cost and Freight 成本加運費(……指定目的港)
CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight 成本、保險加運費付至(……指定目的港)
CPT Carriage Paid to 運費付至(……指定目的地)
CIP Carriage and lnsurance Paid to 運費、保險費付至(……指定目的地)
DAT Delivered At Terminal 終點站交貨(……目的地或目地港之指定終點站)
DAP Delivered At Place 目的地交貨(……指定目的地)
DDP Delivered Duty Paid 完稅後交貨(……指定目的地)
貨運要求 shipping requirement
貨送到府 with shipping to door, to your doorstep
I expect shipping terms ti be port and inclusive of insurance.
Delivery date are not negotiable. (交貨時間不得更改)
運輸到交貨 from shipping to delivery
關注細節 pay close attention to detail
關鍵性的 crucial
不斷聯繫 keep in constant contact
貨運代理商 freight forwarder
採購代理商 sourcing agent
繼續交易 go on the deal
電腦追蹤系統 computer tracking system
告知訂單所在狀況 tell the status of where your order is
Where are goods now?
Where exactly are we in transportation process?
When can we expect to receive our shipment?
We already have a letter of credit from the buyer.
We have as good as purchased the shipment.
We had better keep track of where the good is. (追蹤)
Make sure the product is on its way. (貨在路上)
The order is lost. (貨物弄丟了)
Contact the manufacturer and see what is holding our order up. (hold up 阻礙/耽擱)
I need to call the shipping company to track down what happened to the order.
支付方式 Payment methods
匯付 remittance
信匯 mail transfer, M/T
電匯 telegraphic transfer, wire transfer, T/T
票匯 demand transfer, D/T
電匯預付 pre-pay by wire transfer
托收 collection
信用證 letter of credit,L/C
國際保理 international factoring
無法退還的 non-refundable
不可談判的 non-negotiable
What kind of payment situation would work best for you?
As this is the first time for us to do this business together,
I think we would like to go for a letter of credit arrangement if that is alright.
➤關稅 Tariffs
關稅是由國家授權 Tariffs are mandated by countries.
關稅有助於提高國家財源 Tariffs help to raise funds for a government.
自由貿易協定有助於降低從一些國家進口貨物的費用 The free trade agreement helps to bring down the cost of importing certain items from certain countries.
世界貨物流通 flows of goods around the globe
控制跨境 control across borders
關稅 customs duty
禁止性關稅 prohibitive tariffs
從量稅 specific tariffs
從價稅 ad valorem tariffs
按比例支付 pay by percentage
這些商品都免稅 the items are duty free
申報貨物關稅 declare the goods to pay tariff
起訴/檢舉對海關詐欺行為 prosecute customs frauds
接受嚴厲懲罰 receive stiff penalties
處以高額罰款 be hit with hefty fines
繳高額罰款 pay hefty fines
十倍罰款 ten-fold fine
合法經營 do business legally
體制外的辦法 a way around the system
逍遙法外 be off scot-free
We had better look up the tariff regulations.
Are we country with favorable trading status? (位處於優惠關稅區)
What kind of tariffs will we have to deal with?
How much we will pay in tariffs on our imports?
Did you figure in the cost of the tariffs we will have to pay? (算入支付關稅)
與海關聯繫 Contact customs
資格認證之報關代理人 licensed/registered customs agent
雇用清官公司代表 purchase a customs clearance agent
報關費 customs broker fee
The shipment is due to clear customs this week. (清關)
The customs broker fee is out of this world. (報關費低得不得了)
Does your shipment include any samples or gifts?
Business English: International Trade
➤貿易展 Trade shows
充分獲取投資報酬 get most out of the return on our investment
非常熟悉 be intimately familiar with
有影響力 have the presence
得到成效卓越的資訊 generate fruitful leads from that event
量化潛在客群 quantify the potentials
量化營業額 sales volume
設立目標 set goals
設立預算 build the budget
事後發現 find out later
另外計價 additional expense
交出攤位申請書 submit the application for booth space
盡早確定攤位 get our booth space early
在早鳥優惠截止前申辦 make the early-bird registration discount deadline
先搶先贏 first-come, first served basis
增加注目程度 increase the visibility
做出更多傳單 make flyers, handouts, company literature
過客 passer-by
留意 look around at...
國內廠商 domestic manufacturer
主場優勢 home-field advantage
The trade show in (place) opens (future time)
This expo is the largest (show) in our industry.
The leads we will get from this trade show account for...
What we expect to get out of this (show) is...
We would like to see at least 1000 visitors to our booth per day of the show.
Everything with our booth is under control.
What is the cost estimate for our trade show participation?
The cost of our booth space includes electric outlets
Each booth is afforded two electrical outlets as a part of the package.
It will cost about $500 in printing costs for handouts of our company literature.
攤位註冊費 registration
印刷宣傳費 printing cost
攤位布置費 actual booth
旅行住宿費 travel and accommodation
把握商展機會 cherish the opportunity of trade show
負責攤位接待 staff/man the booth
主動問候和接待客人 be ready to meet and greet
展示產品及服務 demonstrate our products and services
留意競爭對手動態 be on the look for what our direct competition is up to
關注業界新動態 keep our eyes peeled for new trends
留下名片 drop by their business cards
收集名片 collect business cards (a stack of cards)
為前次對話做紀錄 make notes for the last communication
跟進潛在客戶名單 follow up on the sales leads
We invite you to come by our booth (進來攤位坐坐)
Be sure and stop by our VIP suite (別忘了到我們的貴賓室)
check out what we have been up to this year (來看看我們今年推出的東西)
enjoy free cocktails and refreshment (享受免費的雞尾酒和甜點)
We met at ... Expo in (place) (past time)
We would like to arrange a meeting to discuss further the things we talked about at the show.
Thanks for stopping by our booth last week, I enjoyed our conversation.
➤貿易展後續追蹤 Following up on trade leads
獲取投資報酬 get return on our investment
客戶聯絡資訊 customer contact information
輸入至聯絡管理系統 type it into contact management system
輸入至試算表 enter the information into spreadsheet program, computer
There are all business cards we collected from the trade show.
This is the list of all the potential suppliers we met at the show.
This person was interested in...
These are the contacts who are interested in our line of...
These are the contacts that indicated interest in our...
提出行銷計畫 marketing communications plans
直接郵寄 be sent direct mail circulars
打電話推銷 set up sales calls with these contacts
面談 face-to-face meeting
在限定期間內執行計畫 implement the plan in predetermined period of time
時間越久,他們越冷淡 The longer we wait, the colder they get.
去到你辦公室 come by your office
Everyone on this list needs to be contacted by telephone within 48 hours.
Make sure to include our company literature and a handwritten note. (簡介與親筆信)
I appreciated the chance to meet you (time) at (place)
I wanted to follow up with you about...
I am calling to follow up with you about the conversation we had at the OO Expo.
You mentioned you were interested in learning more about...
Can I answer any question for you about...
You met my colleague John at the trade show last week. He asked me to call you to follow up with you about...
I was told you had indicated interest in...
Do you have any questions I could answer you?
I guarantee we offer quality at affordable prices. (物美價廉)
What do the leads tell us from the trade show last month?
We have been able to generate 30 new sales from the follow up on or leads from the show.
➤尋找進口貨源 Finding import sources
展銷會 trade fair
進口貨品 import goods
客製化設備 custom designed device
客製化包裝 customized packaging
新專利產品 newly patented product
自製產品 self-created product
生產要求 production needs
需要訂製產品 need customization on the actual product
東西已經有人生產 something that is already in production
有人是你可以信任 someone you can trust
風險級別不同 there are different levels of risk
最受青睞 be gusty
假裝得更合法 pretend to be most legitimate
看似合法 look legit
找到可靠的貨源 find a legitimate source
避免被騙 prevent getting screwed
貨比三家 shop around
work on... (致力)
end up having to... (最終不得不)
look to import the product (打算進口這產品)
look for new suppliers (找尋新的通路商)
pay tariff on our imports (支付進口關稅)
Suppliers from China provide the bulk of our inventory. (大量訂貨)
Manufactures in China are your best bet for low prices. (低價的最好選擇)
for guaranteed quality (品質保證)
make production to our specifications (按我們的規格生產)
What level of customization can you provide? (提供哪種水準的客訂)
You had better be careful. There are tons of scams on the web. (很多騙子)
How do you find the factories to began with?
避免風險 avoid risk aspect
有語言和溝通問題 have language and communication issues
透過代理商 go trough an agent
使用代理商的服務 use agent's services
與代理商分享利潤 do profit sharing with agent
雇用貨源專員 hire an expert sourcing partner
談判價碼 negotiate pricing with sourcing partner
談判新協定 negotiate a new agreement our agents
A: Is the lowest price you can get for me on these items?
B: I have spoken to manufactures, that is the lowest we are going to get.
A: Well, I appreciate your help in getting this quotation. I have a few other agents I have been working with on this project. I need to get their lowest prices and compare. I will let you know if I am interested in moving forward after I have talked to them.
➤尋找出口管道 Finding export leads
鑑定有價值的貿易潛在客戶 qualify trade leads
建立長久夥伴關係 maintain the sustainable partnerships
目標國家 target countries
設立據點 set up shop in...
拓展客戶群 expend our clientele in...
參加貿易展 attend trade show
發展業務 develop our business
朝國際發展 develop internationally
啟動影響力 jumpstart our presence
宣傳內容 marketing materials
收到額外五百次點閱 receive more than 500 extra (website) hits
Where are our target customers located?
Our main focus is...
We should focus our efforts on...
We should work on... (專注於)
What kind of information can you give me about the... market?
Do you have any ... reports or ... analysis for (place)?
Be sure and follow up with the leads.
Some of hits can translate into more business for us.
從訂貨到運輸 from order to delivery
出口至二十個不同國家 export to over 20 different countries
滿足您訂購需求 meet your needs for customized production
滿足期望 meet expectations
提供全面出口服務 provide full-service exporting support
制定高標之客服目標 set pretty lofty customer service policy
客戶連絡規定 customer communication policy
24小時內回覆詢價 reply the inquire within 24 hours
完成詢價答覆 finish the inquiry responses
客戶詢價 customers make a request for a quotation
客戶收到報價 customers receive our quote
喪失商機 loss business
基礎資訊到位 have infrastructure in place
產品型錄及價目表 catalog and pricing list
聯繫日本大使館 talk to Japanese Embassy
I can get the information you have requested right away.
Our catalog features over 200 different quality product
You can count/rely on us. (你可以信賴/指望我們)
Our products are guaranteed to meet your expectations, or your money back! (否則全額退款)
➤信用狀 Letter of credit, L/C
買方要求 buyer request
本票/憑證 promissory note
提貨單 bill of loading
領事發票 consular invoice
保險單 insurance policy
有效截止日期 expiration date
按規定時間 at the time specified
細節 specifics
買賣雙方達成的條件 terms of the sale
出貨條件 terms of conditions
中間人 intermediates
貨運代理商 freight forwarder
申請信用狀 apply for a letter of credit
以...形式履行交易 set our transaction up with...
無法撤銷的/不可改變的 irrevocable
修正內容 make an amendment
等待確認 wait for conformation
提貨 claim the goods
收貨 receive the freight
支票 a check
匯票 a draft
負責 be responsible for...
應付 take care of...
The letter of credit functions as a our contract with...
All shipping requirements are listed in the letter of credit.
Here are the specifics that should be included in our letter of credit.
Everything is documented in the letter of credit.
The letter of credit detail insurance requirements.
The shipping date is confirmed for April 1st. (發貨日期)
The good will delivered to the Taichung Port.
The documentation is all in order. (單據提交正確)
What does the bill of loading say?
It require us ti deliver the goods to Taichung port by April 1st.
➤價格談判及運輸管理 Negotiating a price and Shipment management
詢價 Asking for a price
最小訂購數量 minimum orders
訂購規模 order size
貨運方式 delivery options
交貨期限 production deadlines, timelines
尚未確認 have a good idea
儘量閃爍其詞 be vague as possible
真實價格 actual cost of production
討價還價 bargaining
關鍵步驟 critical step
公平且合理 fair and ethical
持久影響 lasting influence
產品規格 product specification
貨比三家找低價 shop around for the lowest price
The size of the order depends on how low of a price I can get.
We can give you a quotation based on your particular requirements.
Depending on..., we do have a little room for negotiations.
What size order are you panning to make?
What is the best price you can offer?
What is the lowest price you can give me on our order?
I am sorry, but that is still higher than we want. Is there any way you can do better?
I appreciate your offer, but it is still over our budget. What can you do to help us with a lower price?
Can you offer any more of a discount?
考慮利潤分享 Considering splitting profits
使供應商受惠 benefit the suppliers
互利互惠 mutual benefits
分享利益 split profits
雙贏 a win-win
建立良好關係 build positive relationships
變成持續性合作夥伴 turn into a continuing partnership
安排工廠考察團 arrange a factory tour
為你們安排內容 make an arrangement for you
I am not just interested in buying products.I am looking for a potential partner on this deal. What can we do to make this work better for both of our campaniles?
What did you have in mind?
貨運條件 Shipping terms
*EXW EX works 工廠交貨(……指定地點)
FCA Free Carrier 交至承運人(……指定地點)
FAS Free AlongSide Ship 船邊交貨(……指定裝運港)
FOB Free On Board 船上交貨(……指定裝運港)
CFR Cost and Freight 成本加運費(……指定目的港)
CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight 成本、保險加運費付至(……指定目的港)
CPT Carriage Paid to 運費付至(……指定目的地)
CIP Carriage and lnsurance Paid to 運費、保險費付至(……指定目的地)
DAT Delivered At Terminal 終點站交貨(……目的地或目地港之指定終點站)
DAP Delivered At Place 目的地交貨(……指定目的地)
DDP Delivered Duty Paid 完稅後交貨(……指定目的地)
貨運要求 shipping requirement
貨送到府 with shipping to door, to your doorstep
I expect shipping terms ti be port and inclusive of insurance.
Delivery date are not negotiable. (交貨時間不得更改)
運輸到交貨 from shipping to delivery
關注細節 pay close attention to detail
關鍵性的 crucial
不斷聯繫 keep in constant contact
貨運代理商 freight forwarder
採購代理商 sourcing agent
繼續交易 go on the deal
電腦追蹤系統 computer tracking system
告知訂單所在狀況 tell the status of where your order is
Where are goods now?
Where exactly are we in transportation process?
When can we expect to receive our shipment?
We already have a letter of credit from the buyer.
We have as good as purchased the shipment.
We had better keep track of where the good is. (追蹤)
Make sure the product is on its way. (貨在路上)
The order is lost. (貨物弄丟了)
Contact the manufacturer and see what is holding our order up. (hold up 阻礙/耽擱)
I need to call the shipping company to track down what happened to the order.
支付方式 Payment methods
匯付 remittance
信匯 mail transfer, M/T
電匯 telegraphic transfer, wire transfer, T/T
票匯 demand transfer, D/T
電匯預付 pre-pay by wire transfer
托收 collection
信用證 letter of credit,L/C
國際保理 international factoring
無法退還的 non-refundable
不可談判的 non-negotiable
What kind of payment situation would work best for you?
As this is the first time for us to do this business together,
I think we would like to go for a letter of credit arrangement if that is alright.
➤關稅 Tariffs
關稅是由國家授權 Tariffs are mandated by countries.
關稅有助於提高國家財源 Tariffs help to raise funds for a government.
自由貿易協定有助於降低從一些國家進口貨物的費用 The free trade agreement helps to bring down the cost of importing certain items from certain countries.
世界貨物流通 flows of goods around the globe
控制跨境 control across borders
關稅 customs duty
禁止性關稅 prohibitive tariffs
從量稅 specific tariffs
從價稅 ad valorem tariffs
按比例支付 pay by percentage
這些商品都免稅 the items are duty free
申報貨物關稅 declare the goods to pay tariff
起訴/檢舉對海關詐欺行為 prosecute customs frauds
接受嚴厲懲罰 receive stiff penalties
處以高額罰款 be hit with hefty fines
繳高額罰款 pay hefty fines
十倍罰款 ten-fold fine
合法經營 do business legally
體制外的辦法 a way around the system
逍遙法外 be off scot-free
We had better look up the tariff regulations.
Are we country with favorable trading status? (位處於優惠關稅區)
What kind of tariffs will we have to deal with?
How much we will pay in tariffs on our imports?
Did you figure in the cost of the tariffs we will have to pay? (算入支付關稅)
與海關聯繫 Contact customs
資格認證之報關代理人 licensed/registered customs agent
雇用清官公司代表 purchase a customs clearance agent
報關費 customs broker fee
The shipment is due to clear customs this week. (清關)
The customs broker fee is out of this world. (報關費低得不得了)
Does your shipment include any samples or gifts?