商用英語 - 管理和組織 Business English: Management and Leadership
商用英語 - 管理和組織
Business English: Management and Leadership
➤公司結構 Company organization
公司簡介 company profile
普通勞工 labor staff
體力勞動 physical labor
平均時薪 average hourly wages
勞工 laborers
維護員 maintenance crews
警衛 janitorial staffs
服務支援人員 support services staffs
加班費 overtime pay
賺錢 make money
管理人員 mid-management
月薪 salary, monthly wages
計畫 planning
組織 organizing
人事 staffing
領導 leading/ directing
達成目標 accomplish objectives or desired goals
獲利 make a profit/ get numbers up
利用資源 using resources
主管 department heads
監事 supervisors
分配工作 divvy up the work
高階管理層 executive branch
第一階層 the first tier
運作正常 go smoothly
行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer/ CEO
被任命為最高領導 be designated as the most senior leader
執行 implement
確保企業正常運轉 ensure smooth operation
營運總監 Chief Operations Officer/ COO
行政總裁副手 senior vice president
向總裁報告 feedback
親自執行 hands-on jobs/ be personally responsible for
財務總監 Chief Financial Officer/ CFO
支出成本 expenditures and costs
定期報告 report in regular intervals
證交管理所 the Securities and Exchange Commission/ SEC
董事會/理事會/執行委員會 the board of directors/ the board of governors/ executive board
被任命或被舉任 appointed or elected members
專家 experts
首席 Chairman of the board
公司依靠我們 the company relies on us to...
給予指導、長期規劃、遠見目標 give guidance, long-term planning, and vision
每個月 monthly
每個季 quarterly
每半年 biannually
承受壓力 be under pressure
組成 it is made up of...
包括 it includes...
➤達成共識 Reaching consensus
修改 modify
達成皆大歡喜 keep everyone happy
What does everybody think of...?
What do you have against...?
The reason I disagree is...
Don't you think it would be better to...?
Let's hear you out on this issue.
Can you tell me why you believe the way you do?
Let's take a vote.
Can you tell me more about why you don't agree?
完全同意 completely agree
一致認同 be on the same page/ see eye to eye on
反對者 dissenter
We do not have to all see eye to eye on this, and we just need to agree on a direction to go. If we can get at least 9 out of 10 for this idea, than we are set.
Do we all agree that we need to compromise?
we need 100% agreement on this issue, am I right?
we need 50-50 even
交代問題 identify the problem
提供多種解法 provide various options or solutions
支持 stand/support
想出解方 come up with a solution
改變別人想法 change sb's mind
聽別人說完話 hear sb out
分享想法 share sb's thought
說得有道理 have the point
We are meeting today to come up with a solution to... We have got two possible solutions to discuss right off the bat (=right away). The first one is... The second is... We can either... , or... Both options have advantages and drawbacks. Let's see a quick count of who's leaning toward the first options.
Let's talk about option one more in detail. Does anyone want to share why you think it's a good idea? Okay, Alice, I noticed you did not vote for the first opitons. Can you explain to us why you support the second option?
Everyone have a chance to share their thought? Good, let's take another vote.
Let's take time to hear Roger out. Okay, Roger, tell us why you don't agree that.
避免節外生枝 prevent further problems from developing
可接受的/合格的 acceptable
有好處的 beneficial
現存的/當前的 existing/current
通用的 generic
Okay, now that we are finally in agreement, I will get in touch with... to implement these changes starting next week. Let's get the results of our discussion today on writing and put it into action asap. Thanks everyone for working so hard to make a decision on this issue.
➤影響他人 Influencing others
實現目標 execute the goals successfully
試試看 give it a try
Roger, you are our head computer guy, right?
I wanted to talk to you about an idea I had.
I wanted to ask your opinion about something.
Would you like to join me for coffee?
Who we really need to talk about this idea is Alice in human resources. She has the authority to implement the plan.
想別人所想/發揮同理心 feel their pain
融洽 rapport
信任 credibility
建立個人層面之信賴 be reliable in personal level
建立基礎 build a base
我了解你的感受 I know how you feel.
You are amazing...
I really admire the way you do.
Yeah, I have been there.
沒有專橫態度 not be bossy
不讓人困惑 not leave sb baffled
從中獲益 stand to gain from sth
The reason you should support this idea is because it will directly impact you.
What you are going to gain out of this is...
The benefits you stand to gain include...
What we are trying to do is...
The reason this is the best way to do it is because...
凡事有準備就能成功 If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
碰釘子 be met with opposition
I anticipated you might have that concern.
That's a very good question. I thought the same thing at first.
You have a good point
Don't worry. I have got everything under control.
Let me explain how it won't be a problem
But let me explain...
but I wonder if you have considered..
Try to see it my way.
No biggie. 沒什麼大不了的啊
Forget it, men. 算了吧
Go for it. 採納他吧
you have confidence in yourself 對自己有信心
➤鼓勵員工 Motivating employees
賞罰分明 Distinguishing rewards and punishments
提供獎勵 provide incentives
施以處罰 administer punishment, mete out penalties
別過度憂慮或擔憂 do not get anxiety
不符標準或要求 fall short
Are you serious? 你認真的嗎?
I am dead serious. 我絕對當真
Gather'round everybody. 大家過來一下
I have an announcement to make. 我有事要宣布
You are doing the great job!
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your contributions to the company.
express my appreciation for everyone's hard work
Good job on... You are really to be congratulated!
I would like to thank Roger and Alice for...
Kudos to Roger and Alice. (名聲,聲譽,榮耀,光環)
Today I am letting you off half an hour early
I think you all deserve a break
Friday is doughnut day!
Well, make sure it does not happen again, Try to be more prepared next time. Everyone can have a bad day, but you have got to try to mitigate the damage.
良好溝通 Great communications
想法和策略 vision and strategy
充分了解狀況的 well-informed
一無所知 left in the dark
Do you have any suggestions on how to... ?
Please let me know if you have any concerns to share. I am here to listen to you.
Please feel free to talk anytime. My door is always open for you.
同舟共濟 Working together
接納他們意見 take their input
歸屬感 a sense of belonging
pull together 齊心協力
be bleak 黯淡無光的
morale 士氣
Together we can overcome whatever it is we face.
I can count on everyone to pull together on this (我能仰賴各位的努力。)
➤與主管溝通 Communicating with superiors
請求意見 Requesting opinions
Excuse me.
Do you have time to meet with me briefly?
Do you have some time for me to meet with you?
Do you have time to be briefed on... ?
Can I make an appointment to go over... with you next week?
I would like to discuss our progress on...
I was hoping to get some advice about...
I was hoping you give me some suggestions about...
Do you have any suggestions for us about how to deal with... ?
What do you think we should do about... ?
Do you approve of... ?
Would it be alright if we... ?
Let me catch you up to speed on...
I wanted to ask your opinion about...
說明事件 Describing conditions
Here is a copy of the latest data.
As you can see, there are a few problems.
Well, sir... we don't know how is happened.
They seemed a little sketchy, so I wanted to run them by you. (簡略的,不完全安全)
It's our last opportunity to make changes of...
use good judgement 善用好的判斷力
use complete sentences 使用完整句
The email is to inform you of... ?
Please see the attachment for a complete report.
Please don't hesitate to contact me
if you have any problems with the attachment,
or if you have any questions or concerns.
意見批判 Criticizing opinions
Obviously ... is in order. (顯然有...的必要)
Who is responsible for this error?
That's not good enough. (那太糟糕了)
That means you are at fault. (那表示罪歸咎於你)
How could you let such a stupid mistake be made?
What am I paying you for anyway? (我付錢給你到底是為了啥?)
表示道歉/感謝 Expressing the words of thanks or apology
I am so sorry for this error.
I won't let it happen again.
Thank you for your suggestions, I appreciate your help.
maintain control of your own point 秉持你的觀點
imitate others' style 模仿別人風格
feel in control 覺得在掌握之中
backup information 相關備份文件
get into sb's head 替他人設想,同理心
avoid getting emotional 避免情緒化
tell the regret later 說出後悔的話
receive the contract from their side
review the contract
approve the contract
issue of duplication 人員重複問題
cut back on our staff 裁員
the merger take place
ask for a stipulation 要求規範條文
be forced to leave 被迫離開
raise terms 提出條件
put the demand on sb. 對別人提出要求
➤專案管理 Project management
預先規劃 Preplanning
What is our objective?
Where are we going with this project?
What are we trying to accomplish?
The purpose of our work on this is...
We can fulfill our goals by...
What we are trying to to is...
If we want to accomplish our goals, we will need...
Our budget for this project cannot exceed $10,000.
組織及時間表 Organizing and timelines
分割計畫內容 break the project up into smaller components
檢視進度 monitor the progress
進度落後 the progress falls behind
進度回到正軌 the progress back on track
選出代表(下屬或分包商) elect delegates (i.e. subordinates or subcontractors)
根據回饋 according to the feedback
委託工作給別組 delegate work to another team
取得功勞 take the credit for...
重配任務 redistribute tasks
分配工作 allot the work evenly
The first phase of our project includes...
In the following phase, we will need to...
Our project has a final deadline at the end of the month.
We have reach our first milestone of raising $10,000.
We need to spend more time on...
or else we won't make our deadlines.
Can you please check your data and get back to me with complete information?
Can you please do some research on possible vendors for... ?
I need you to find at least 25 potentials, and get their information to me by Monday.
I need you to get moving on... (我要你投入...)
報告進度 Reporting the progress
定期回報 report in regular intervals
立即回報 feedback immediately
How is the project coming?
How is the project going?
Can you please complete the tasks I assigned you before next week?
I have a few details to work out.
We have already move past... (我們已經完成至...)
初期市調 preliminary marketing surveys
發掘潛在客戶 identify potential vendors
經營品牌 grow a brand
建立顧客忠誠度 build customer loyalty
超出我們預期 exceed our expectation
達成目標 accomplish/fulfill our goals
後面跟著一個強而有力的行銷策略 follow-through with a strong marketing strategy
➤衝突調解 Conflict management
衝突成因及定位 Causes and position of a conflict
將引起衝突 conflicts will arise
適時地且明理地化解衝突 resolve the conflicts timely and with civilized manner
問試探性的問題 ask probing questions
找出根本原因 find root causes
What seems to be the problem?
Can you meet me in my office to discuss the matter all together?
What is the conflict about?
What is the root cause of the conflict?
傾聽意見及排解紛爭 Hearing opinions and resolving the conflicts
別草率決定 do not make a hasty decision
深度挖掘實情 dig through the realities
設法平靜 take a chill pill
It seems you disagree because..., am I right?
Let me hear it in your own words. What happened?
Can you tell me why you acted in that way?
Is that what you feel happened? Tell me what your perspective is.
Be fair! Let's hear him out. (公平一些! 讓他把話說完)
Let's approach this calmly. (讓我們心平氣和處理此事。)
Everyone is going to have a chance to have their say.
Now, Roger, you go first. Tell me in your own words what your side of the story is.
No interrupting, John, you will have chance in a minute.
I got unfairly blamed for loosing clients, but it wasn't my fault.
I do not agree with the way that...
I refuse to work with her anymore.
I might offend him in some way I am not sure.
What I am hearing here is that...
I sense A and B have had some personality conflicts.
找出解決之道 Arriving at a resolution
制定行動計畫 make action plan
努力達成協調/和解 work to make a compromise
平息 all will be well
費事又費力 it takes time and effort
過度反應 be overreacting
Do we all agree that we need to compromise?
We have agreed to compromise by... (透過...和解)
How can we resolve this issue?
Let's calm down. We can work through this.
Let's be fair here, no name-calling, please. (別辱罵他人)
We need to come up with a way to work though this. Any suggestions?
Our action plan is to...
Forget your hurt feeling. We need to move on to a solution.
Let's forgive and forget. (讓我們既往不咎)
Now that we are finally all in agreement.
Thanks everyone for working so hard to resolve this issue.
Let's get the results today in writing and put it into action next week.
I will get in touch with the right people to implement these changes asap.
➤評鑑員工表現 Employee performance reviews
提議升遷 recommend him for a raise
有信心面對它 face them with confidence
面對未知的恐懼 face fear of the unknown
衡量表現力 evaluate performance
培養協調立即團隊合作 foster a spirit of cooperation and teamwork
以文案形式表現出來 document the achievement
確認業績 figure out the sales record
增加客戶名單 grow the client roster
反駁 counteract
承認 acknowledge
Tell me a little bit about you have accomplished this year.
What kind of sales record does your department have?
說明現況及反駁 describe the condition and counteract it
前一年 the preceding year
在過去三個月裡 in the last three months, in the last quarter
在加入OO之後 After joining....
獲利翻倍至少20% an overturn of at least 20% increased profits
比去年增加30%數量 30% more accounts than the preceding year
相差不多 be not too far off
I have improved efficiency in.... , resulting in...
I have consistently contributed innovative ideas.
My superior performance and management can be seen in...
If you look at our numbers from last year, you can see that...
My contributions to our company have resulted in client base.
Most of the performance reviews came back pretty positive.
I think your criticism was unfair.
you are accurate in assessing...
you may overlook...
you are unaware of ...
With all due respect (恕我直言)
說明評鑑結果 Show the results of preference reviews
have a shinning review (有正面評價)
Looks like Laura's keeper! (那Laura就是公司要留住的人才啦!)
be a team player (有團隊精神的人)
John was censored for dropping clients (點出)
he has improved a little bit
I hope that after the performance reviews,...
You will be a bit more clear on areas for improvement
What we expect from your department is...
What your goal for next quarter should be is to...
We are really happy with....
We have seen a lot of success as a result of...
➤撰寫宗旨 Writing a mission statement
共同目標 common goal
衡量表現 guage performance
衡量基準 benchmark
文案起草 statement crafting
直指業務能力 pinpoint business competencies
總結我們的想法 go trough the ideas
有鼓舞性的 be motivational
激勵我們工作更好 motivate us to do our jobs better
共享相同目標 share the sense of purpose
有高能見度 have high visibility
日復一日單調工作 day-to-day monotony work
一串文字 a bunch of words
核心價值 core value
The polls/questionnaire came back with some surprising results.
would you mind filling out a survey for... ?
What is your opinion of... ?
What do you think about our products?
When you think of our company, what comes to your mind?
How would you describe our company environment?
The purpose of company is...
Our mission statement is...
Our vision is...
Our values include...
Our objectives are...
Our role in the community is to...
We are success driven organization in the field of...
We are the leaders in....
What we have going over the competition is...
What we are trying to do is...
What do you think the strength of our products?
We strive to...
We will continue our effort to...
We are dedicated to...
We can achieve...
Business English: Management and Leadership
➤公司結構 Company organization
公司簡介 company profile
普通勞工 labor staff
體力勞動 physical labor
平均時薪 average hourly wages
勞工 laborers
維護員 maintenance crews
警衛 janitorial staffs
服務支援人員 support services staffs
加班費 overtime pay
賺錢 make money
管理人員 mid-management
月薪 salary, monthly wages
計畫 planning
組織 organizing
人事 staffing
領導 leading/ directing
達成目標 accomplish objectives or desired goals
獲利 make a profit/ get numbers up
利用資源 using resources
主管 department heads
監事 supervisors
分配工作 divvy up the work
高階管理層 executive branch
第一階層 the first tier
運作正常 go smoothly
行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer/ CEO
被任命為最高領導 be designated as the most senior leader
執行 implement
確保企業正常運轉 ensure smooth operation
營運總監 Chief Operations Officer/ COO
行政總裁副手 senior vice president
向總裁報告 feedback
親自執行 hands-on jobs/ be personally responsible for
財務總監 Chief Financial Officer/ CFO
支出成本 expenditures and costs
定期報告 report in regular intervals
證交管理所 the Securities and Exchange Commission/ SEC
董事會/理事會/執行委員會 the board of directors/ the board of governors/ executive board
被任命或被舉任 appointed or elected members
專家 experts
首席 Chairman of the board
公司依靠我們 the company relies on us to...
給予指導、長期規劃、遠見目標 give guidance, long-term planning, and vision
每個月 monthly
每個季 quarterly
每半年 biannually
承受壓力 be under pressure
組成 it is made up of...
包括 it includes...
➤達成共識 Reaching consensus
修改 modify
達成皆大歡喜 keep everyone happy
What does everybody think of...?
What do you have against...?
The reason I disagree is...
Don't you think it would be better to...?
Let's hear you out on this issue.
Can you tell me why you believe the way you do?
Let's take a vote.
Can you tell me more about why you don't agree?
完全同意 completely agree
一致認同 be on the same page/ see eye to eye on
反對者 dissenter
We do not have to all see eye to eye on this, and we just need to agree on a direction to go. If we can get at least 9 out of 10 for this idea, than we are set.
Do we all agree that we need to compromise?
we need 100% agreement on this issue, am I right?
we need 50-50 even
交代問題 identify the problem
提供多種解法 provide various options or solutions
支持 stand/support
想出解方 come up with a solution
改變別人想法 change sb's mind
聽別人說完話 hear sb out
分享想法 share sb's thought
說得有道理 have the point
We are meeting today to come up with a solution to... We have got two possible solutions to discuss right off the bat (=right away). The first one is... The second is... We can either... , or... Both options have advantages and drawbacks. Let's see a quick count of who's leaning toward the first options.
Let's talk about option one more in detail. Does anyone want to share why you think it's a good idea? Okay, Alice, I noticed you did not vote for the first opitons. Can you explain to us why you support the second option?
Everyone have a chance to share their thought? Good, let's take another vote.
Let's take time to hear Roger out. Okay, Roger, tell us why you don't agree that.
避免節外生枝 prevent further problems from developing
可接受的/合格的 acceptable
有好處的 beneficial
現存的/當前的 existing/current
通用的 generic
Okay, now that we are finally in agreement, I will get in touch with... to implement these changes starting next week. Let's get the results of our discussion today on writing and put it into action asap. Thanks everyone for working so hard to make a decision on this issue.
➤影響他人 Influencing others
實現目標 execute the goals successfully
試試看 give it a try
Roger, you are our head computer guy, right?
I wanted to talk to you about an idea I had.
I wanted to ask your opinion about something.
Would you like to join me for coffee?
Who we really need to talk about this idea is Alice in human resources. She has the authority to implement the plan.
想別人所想/發揮同理心 feel their pain
融洽 rapport
信任 credibility
建立個人層面之信賴 be reliable in personal level
建立基礎 build a base
我了解你的感受 I know how you feel.
You are amazing...
I really admire the way you do.
Yeah, I have been there.
沒有專橫態度 not be bossy
不讓人困惑 not leave sb baffled
從中獲益 stand to gain from sth
The reason you should support this idea is because it will directly impact you.
What you are going to gain out of this is...
The benefits you stand to gain include...
What we are trying to do is...
The reason this is the best way to do it is because...
凡事有準備就能成功 If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
碰釘子 be met with opposition
I anticipated you might have that concern.
That's a very good question. I thought the same thing at first.
You have a good point
Don't worry. I have got everything under control.
Let me explain how it won't be a problem
But let me explain...
but I wonder if you have considered..
Try to see it my way.
No biggie. 沒什麼大不了的啊
Forget it, men. 算了吧
Go for it. 採納他吧
you have confidence in yourself 對自己有信心
➤鼓勵員工 Motivating employees
賞罰分明 Distinguishing rewards and punishments
提供獎勵 provide incentives
施以處罰 administer punishment, mete out penalties
別過度憂慮或擔憂 do not get anxiety
不符標準或要求 fall short
Are you serious? 你認真的嗎?
I am dead serious. 我絕對當真
Gather'round everybody. 大家過來一下
I have an announcement to make. 我有事要宣布
You are doing the great job!
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for your contributions to the company.
express my appreciation for everyone's hard work
Good job on... You are really to be congratulated!
I would like to thank Roger and Alice for...
Kudos to Roger and Alice. (名聲,聲譽,榮耀,光環)
Today I am letting you off half an hour early
I think you all deserve a break
Friday is doughnut day!
Well, make sure it does not happen again, Try to be more prepared next time. Everyone can have a bad day, but you have got to try to mitigate the damage.
良好溝通 Great communications
想法和策略 vision and strategy
充分了解狀況的 well-informed
一無所知 left in the dark
Do you have any suggestions on how to... ?
Please let me know if you have any concerns to share. I am here to listen to you.
Please feel free to talk anytime. My door is always open for you.
同舟共濟 Working together
接納他們意見 take their input
歸屬感 a sense of belonging
pull together 齊心協力
be bleak 黯淡無光的
morale 士氣
Together we can overcome whatever it is we face.
I can count on everyone to pull together on this (我能仰賴各位的努力。)
➤與主管溝通 Communicating with superiors
請求意見 Requesting opinions
Excuse me.
Do you have time to meet with me briefly?
Do you have some time for me to meet with you?
Do you have time to be briefed on... ?
Can I make an appointment to go over... with you next week?
I would like to discuss our progress on...
I was hoping to get some advice about...
I was hoping you give me some suggestions about...
Do you have any suggestions for us about how to deal with... ?
What do you think we should do about... ?
Do you approve of... ?
Would it be alright if we... ?
Let me catch you up to speed on...
I wanted to ask your opinion about...
說明事件 Describing conditions
Here is a copy of the latest data.
As you can see, there are a few problems.
Well, sir... we don't know how is happened.
They seemed a little sketchy, so I wanted to run them by you. (簡略的,不完全安全)
It's our last opportunity to make changes of...
use good judgement 善用好的判斷力
use complete sentences 使用完整句
The email is to inform you of... ?
Please see the attachment for a complete report.
Please don't hesitate to contact me
if you have any problems with the attachment,
or if you have any questions or concerns.
意見批判 Criticizing opinions
Obviously ... is in order. (顯然有...的必要)
Who is responsible for this error?
That's not good enough. (那太糟糕了)
That means you are at fault. (那表示罪歸咎於你)
How could you let such a stupid mistake be made?
What am I paying you for anyway? (我付錢給你到底是為了啥?)
表示道歉/感謝 Expressing the words of thanks or apology
I am so sorry for this error.
I won't let it happen again.
Thank you for your suggestions, I appreciate your help.
maintain control of your own point 秉持你的觀點
imitate others' style 模仿別人風格
feel in control 覺得在掌握之中
backup information 相關備份文件
get into sb's head 替他人設想,同理心
avoid getting emotional 避免情緒化
tell the regret later 說出後悔的話
receive the contract from their side
review the contract
approve the contract
issue of duplication 人員重複問題
cut back on our staff 裁員
the merger take place
ask for a stipulation 要求規範條文
be forced to leave 被迫離開
raise terms 提出條件
put the demand on sb. 對別人提出要求
➤專案管理 Project management
預先規劃 Preplanning
What is our objective?
Where are we going with this project?
What are we trying to accomplish?
The purpose of our work on this is...
We can fulfill our goals by...
What we are trying to to is...
If we want to accomplish our goals, we will need...
Our budget for this project cannot exceed $10,000.
組織及時間表 Organizing and timelines
分割計畫內容 break the project up into smaller components
檢視進度 monitor the progress
進度落後 the progress falls behind
進度回到正軌 the progress back on track
選出代表(下屬或分包商) elect delegates (i.e. subordinates or subcontractors)
根據回饋 according to the feedback
委託工作給別組 delegate work to another team
取得功勞 take the credit for...
重配任務 redistribute tasks
分配工作 allot the work evenly
The first phase of our project includes...
In the following phase, we will need to...
Our project has a final deadline at the end of the month.
We have reach our first milestone of raising $10,000.
We need to spend more time on...
or else we won't make our deadlines.
Can you please check your data and get back to me with complete information?
Can you please do some research on possible vendors for... ?
I need you to find at least 25 potentials, and get their information to me by Monday.
I need you to get moving on... (我要你投入...)
報告進度 Reporting the progress
定期回報 report in regular intervals
立即回報 feedback immediately
How is the project coming?
How is the project going?
Can you please complete the tasks I assigned you before next week?
I have a few details to work out.
We have already move past... (我們已經完成至...)
初期市調 preliminary marketing surveys
發掘潛在客戶 identify potential vendors
經營品牌 grow a brand
建立顧客忠誠度 build customer loyalty
超出我們預期 exceed our expectation
達成目標 accomplish/fulfill our goals
後面跟著一個強而有力的行銷策略 follow-through with a strong marketing strategy
➤衝突調解 Conflict management
衝突成因及定位 Causes and position of a conflict
將引起衝突 conflicts will arise
適時地且明理地化解衝突 resolve the conflicts timely and with civilized manner
問試探性的問題 ask probing questions
找出根本原因 find root causes
What seems to be the problem?
Can you meet me in my office to discuss the matter all together?
What is the conflict about?
What is the root cause of the conflict?
傾聽意見及排解紛爭 Hearing opinions and resolving the conflicts
別草率決定 do not make a hasty decision
深度挖掘實情 dig through the realities
設法平靜 take a chill pill
Let me hear it in your own words. What happened?
Can you tell me why you acted in that way?
Is that what you feel happened? Tell me what your perspective is.
Be fair! Let's hear him out. (公平一些! 讓他把話說完)
Let's approach this calmly. (讓我們心平氣和處理此事。)
Everyone is going to have a chance to have their say.
Now, Roger, you go first. Tell me in your own words what your side of the story is.
No interrupting, John, you will have chance in a minute.
I got unfairly blamed for loosing clients, but it wasn't my fault.
I do not agree with the way that...
I refuse to work with her anymore.
I might offend him in some way I am not sure.
What I am hearing here is that...
I sense A and B have had some personality conflicts.
找出解決之道 Arriving at a resolution
制定行動計畫 make action plan
努力達成協調/和解 work to make a compromise
平息 all will be well
費事又費力 it takes time and effort
過度反應 be overreacting
Do we all agree that we need to compromise?
We have agreed to compromise by... (透過...和解)
How can we resolve this issue?
Let's calm down. We can work through this.
Let's be fair here, no name-calling, please. (別辱罵他人)
We need to come up with a way to work though this. Any suggestions?
Our action plan is to...
Forget your hurt feeling. We need to move on to a solution.
Let's forgive and forget. (讓我們既往不咎)
Now that we are finally all in agreement.
Thanks everyone for working so hard to resolve this issue.
Let's get the results today in writing and put it into action next week.
I will get in touch with the right people to implement these changes asap.
➤評鑑員工表現 Employee performance reviews
提議升遷 recommend him for a raise
有信心面對它 face them with confidence
面對未知的恐懼 face fear of the unknown
衡量表現力 evaluate performance
培養協調立即團隊合作 foster a spirit of cooperation and teamwork
以文案形式表現出來 document the achievement
確認業績 figure out the sales record
增加客戶名單 grow the client roster
反駁 counteract
承認 acknowledge
Tell me a little bit about you have accomplished this year.
What kind of sales record does your department have?
說明現況及反駁 describe the condition and counteract it
前一年 the preceding year
在過去三個月裡 in the last three months, in the last quarter
在加入OO之後 After joining....
獲利翻倍至少20% an overturn of at least 20% increased profits
比去年增加30%數量 30% more accounts than the preceding year
相差不多 be not too far off
I have improved efficiency in.... , resulting in...
I have consistently contributed innovative ideas.
My superior performance and management can be seen in...
If you look at our numbers from last year, you can see that...
My contributions to our company have resulted in client base.
Most of the performance reviews came back pretty positive.
I think your criticism was unfair.
you are accurate in assessing...
you may overlook...
you are unaware of ...
With all due respect (恕我直言)
說明評鑑結果 Show the results of preference reviews
have a shinning review (有正面評價)
Looks like Laura's keeper! (那Laura就是公司要留住的人才啦!)
be a team player (有團隊精神的人)
John was censored for dropping clients (點出)
he has improved a little bit
I hope that after the performance reviews,...
You will be a bit more clear on areas for improvement
What we expect from your department is...
What your goal for next quarter should be is to...
We are really happy with....
We have seen a lot of success as a result of...
➤撰寫宗旨 Writing a mission statement
共同目標 common goal
衡量表現 guage performance
衡量基準 benchmark
文案起草 statement crafting
直指業務能力 pinpoint business competencies
總結我們的想法 go trough the ideas
有鼓舞性的 be motivational
激勵我們工作更好 motivate us to do our jobs better
共享相同目標 share the sense of purpose
有高能見度 have high visibility
日復一日單調工作 day-to-day monotony work
一串文字 a bunch of words
核心價值 core value
The polls/questionnaire came back with some surprising results.
would you mind filling out a survey for... ?
What is your opinion of... ?
What do you think about our products?
When you think of our company, what comes to your mind?
How would you describe our company environment?
The purpose of company is...
Our mission statement is...
Our vision is...
Our values include...
Our objectives are...
Our role in the community is to...
We are success driven organization in the field of...
We are the leaders in....
What we have going over the competition is...
What we are trying to do is...
What do you think the strength of our products?
We strive to...
We will continue our effort to...
We are dedicated to...
We can achieve...